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How Many Drinks Can I Legally Have Before Driving?


If you are planning a night out on the town and you intend on drinking alcohol, you may be wondering how many drinks you can legally have before driving. Most people are well aware of the fact that drinking and driving is illegal. Any individual who is determined to have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08 or above can be placed under immediate arrest for a suspected DUI. What they are not often aware of is how many drinks it will take before they are considered legally drunk.

In actual fact, there is no exact science that can be used to accurately determine how many drinks is too many. A person's weight is one of the primary factors that will determine the speed at which his or her body will metabolize alcohol. Gender, food consumption, gender, BMI, as well as how much time passes between your last drink and the time you get behind the wheel, can also affect your ability to drive unimpaired.

Designating a driver or refraining from alcohol consumption are the most effective ways to avoid being arrested for DUI. Having a skilled DUI lawyer on your side will also give you a significant advantage when fighting for your rights. The lawyers here at Schneider Lerch, LLC are well aware of the fact that being pulled over for a suspected DUI can be a terrifying experience. As former prosecutors and former deputy district attorneys, our legal team has a comprehensive understanding of both the entire DUI process and the lengths the prosecution are likely to go to obtain a conviction.

We strongly believe that those accused of DUI should be given the opportunity to defend themselves, so we work hard to provide our clients with the aggressive representation to help them avoid DUI charges and penalties. Challenging breathalyzer results and finding discrepancies in breath & blood tests are just a few of the ways we have been able to help clients protect their freedom. If an officer suspects you have consumed too much alcohol, he or she may try to get you to admit you have been drinking so as to establish probable cause to place you under arrest.

It is important for you to understand that you are under no legal obligation to answer any questions regarding whether or not you were drinking prior to driving. Anything you do say, other than to share your contact information, driver's license and proof of insurance can be used against you in court. Drivers are allowed to decline participation in field sobriety tests if they wish, however blood & blood tests are mandatory and refusing this type of testing will result in an automatic 1-year suspension of your driving privileges.

If you have been arrested or charged with DUI, you will be facing penalties including jail time, fines, suspension of driving privileges, community service, mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device, probation and the court-ordered completion of the Risk Reduction Program. A Savannah DUI lawyer from our firm may be able to help you receive a dismissal of charges or a reduction in charges, from DUI to reckless driving, providing that it is the first time you have been arrested for drunk driving. contact our law firm today to find out more about what our firm can do for you.
