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Arrested for Drunk Driving on St. Patrick's Day?


According to a local news source, state troopers arrested 75 people for driving under the influence (DUI) this year during the Savannah St. Patrick's Day festival. The festivities began as early as Friday, and throughout the long festival weekend—which officially ended on Monday—local law enforcement scoured the streets for drunk drivers. All in all, 75 people were arrested for DUI, 272 people were issued citations, 362 people received warnings and more than 500 people were questioned during traffic stops. If you or someone you love was arrested for DUI in Savannah, GA or a surrounding area, you should not hesitate to take action in the interest of your defense as soon as possible.

Even a first-time DUI conviction could result in up to $1,000 in fines, 12 months in jail, 40 hours of community service and one year of probation. Not to mention, you could also lose your driver's license for a period of one year or longer. For this reason, it may be in your best interest to secure the help of a Savannah DUI lawyer from Schneider Lerch, LLC immediately after an arrest. Our lead attorney, Cris Schneider, previously worked as the lead prosecutor for the District Attorney's Office, which means that he understands how both sides of the courtroom operate. Let him put this invaluable experience to work for you by calling our office today at (912) 385-0854. We are ready to fight for you!
