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What Can You Expect at a DUI Checkpoint?


Assume you have had a drink with your buddies but are nowhere near the legal limit of a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08, and now it is time to go home. You are driving along the highways at night, feeling completely in control of the vehicle, when suddenly there is a line of cars ahead of you. In a moment, you realize there is a DUI checkpoint up ahead. What is going to happen? Will you be in serious trouble for having a drink and then driving? Will they arrest you on suspicion for driving under the influence (DUI)?

This scenario and others like it play out all the time on Georgia roadways. In many situations, the best way to ensure you will make it through the DUI checkpoint without incident is to know what to expect.

Simple Steps to Follow at a DUI Checkpoint

  1. Stay calm: Even if you have had a drink or two, you are not guilty of anything yet. You aren't even under arrest until the officer says so.
  2. Get ready: Grab your license and roll down your window as soon as you see the checkpoint ahead. Showing that you are ready and willing to cooperate can make a huge difference with how the officers see and treat you.
  3. Be courteous: Now is not the time to lose your patience, even if the roadblock has messed up your schedule. If the officer asks you any basic questions – what is your name, where are you going, etc. – be open and honest. If you feel like the questions are leading or incriminating – such as "Have you had anything to drink tonight?" – you might want to respectfully decline to answer, though.
  4. Cooperate: Assuming you have not been let right through the checkpoint already, you will next be asked to pull over a couple feet ahead where another officer will be waiting. This step is crucial, as this officer will probably try to determine if you are intoxicated behind the wheel. They may ask you complete a field sobriety test or blow into a breathalyzer.
  5. Remember your rights: If you don't feel comfortable taking a field sobriety test, you can decline it. This could result in a temporary detainment as they may want to take you to the station for further testing. However, as Georgia is an "implied consent" state, you need to know that if you refuse a breath, blood, or urine test at any point, your license will be immediately revoked.
  6. Call a lawyer: If anything goes wrong or you are charged with a DUI, your best bet to protect your driving privileges is going to be to get a professional on your side right away. If you are in jail due to what occurred at a DUI checkpoint, use your phone call to reach a DUI attorney.

Who Should You Call for Reliable Legal Advocacy?

Your choice of DUI lawyers in Georgia are certainly going to be varied, but with your freedom and finances on the line, you need to know you are making the right choice. You are going to want an attorney with a strong reputation and a history of success. At Schneider Lerch, LLC, we have more than 15 years of legal and DUI case experience and our lead attorney, Mr. Schneider, has earned a flawless 10.0 "Superb" Rating from Avvo. Contact us today for all of your DUI-related case needs.